A progressive workout program to optimize muscle growth. All factors for maximum hypertrophy combined in 3 levels with over 2 years of ongoing progress, built upon scientific research. High variety of training methods, with periodic tests in a new layout.
✔ Lifetime access to exclusive online content
✔ Comfortable online access to the programs + downloadable files
✔ Easy access via PC/MAC or Portable Device
✔ 2 Full Body Warm Up Routines with Follow-Along-Video
✔ Animated graphics with all important parameters
✔ Scientific Training Methods and Techniques
✔ High quality instructional online videos
✔ Exact description of every exercise
✔ Full Body and Split Training
✔ Tests to find YOUR level
These programs contain exercises like Dips, Pull Ups and Bodyrows. Make sure to have access to parallel bars for Dips, a Pull Up bar and a pair of rings for different difficulty levels of several exercises. You can optionally train with external weights, which means you need to have access to weight equipment. The content is online available. The programs include PDF and Excel files. Make sure to be able to open them before you order.
Sven is recognized by the state as a physical therapist and licensed fitness trainer. He is the founder of Calisthenic Movement and has trained Calisthenics since 2012. Sven is in charge of clients in personal training and leads group courses. He has over 10 years of experience as a trainer.
"El Eggs" is a degreed sports teacher, with an additional focus in
nutritional sciences. He has trained Calisthenics since 2012 and is the
founder of a Calisthenics & Parkour association in Leipzig. El Eggs
has extensive experience in a variety of sports like Taekwondo, Parkour,
Biketrial, and Tricking with experience that spans over 27 years. El
Eggs has trained people for more than 15 years and helps clients
worldwide with Online Personal Training and Nutritional Coaching.
Reach Your Goals
Watch the video and see how it works!
Body Transformation is about building muscle in the first place. It's like a bodyweight bodybuilding program. We included split training & many different intensity techniques, which are proven to work by science and often used in bodybuilding (drop sets, cluster sets, super sets, etc.). BT does not include specific skill training. You can use different exercises for the program.
For the Body Transformation program you need something to do pullups on (like a pull up bar or rings) and something where you can support yourself on (like parallel bars or a dip station). What we recommend in addition is to have a pair of rings, some resistance bands and some additional weights plus a weight belt to carry them. Especially for leg training we also recommend a barbell with different weights.
You start with all the explanation videos about how the program works. Then you find additional explanations about nutrition, regeneration, mobility and warm up and cool down. The rest of the program is divided into 5 different phases. The first is a preparation phase to make your body ready for the following training. Each phase consists of 5 weeks, 1 test week and 4 training weeks. The test week also works as a deload week, which optimizes your improvements. The program gives you a rep amount for each exercise, which you should be able to do. To find out, which progression you need to hit that number, you use the test weeks. All exercises are shown as movement directions. E.g. the program tells you to do horizontal push. Therefor you can use different exercises, which we all explain prior to the start of each phase. In the test weeks you find downloadable sheets, which you can use to evaluate your training and see your total progress when you're finished.
Body Transformation is about building muscle in the first place. It's like a bodyweight bodybuilding program. We included split training & many different intensity techniques which are often used in bodybuilding (drop set, cluster sets, super sets, etc.). It doesn't include specific skill training and mostly works with basic to intermediate exercises, that are scaled to meet your level of performance and to bring your the optimal stimulus for muscle growth. Complete Calisthenics is more about mastering your bodyweight in terms of strength, coordination & balance. You will work with different exercises as in the Body Transformation program. A good example is the handstand. A handstand is mostly about balance and not the best option, if you want to build muscle. You will start with easy basic exercises in level 1 and climb the ladder to master calisthenics step by step. All exercises prepare your body for upcoming skills, by increasing the specific strength and increasing resilience of your connective tissue and to be able to deal with the stress. Complete Calisthenics will also prepare you for upcoming skills and includes direct calisthenics skill training (handstand push ups, planche, front & backlever etc.) Of course you will also build some muscle, but the Body Transformation program is a better option, if this is your main goal. With this you can lower your risk of injuries and learn stunning skills in a short time.
The BT program has different phases that use different methods to reach different adaptations in your body. Because of that the workouts in the phases have different durations. Some sessions might only need 45 minutes or less others could need 90 minutes or more.
This is also different, but you will train between 2 and 6 days per week.
The course starts whenever you want to start. You will train for over 2 years from when you start.
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
This is hard to tell before, because it depends on different aspects like your momentary level, your life situation, like if you have a lot of stress or how you sleep, your coordinative abilities and so on. You normally should see some progress within about 6 weeks, but it can be faster or slower. If it is slower and you can’t fulfill the requirements for the next program you can also repeat your momentary program.
Yes, absolutely. This program gives you the ability to chose different levels of difficulty for each exercise. So no matter if you are a man or a woman, you can adapt each exercise to your level. So if you are a woman and want to improve your strength and learn calisthenics skills, this program is right for you.
The Body Transformation course does not include the mobility program or a nutrition guide. But you can order the BT program and add the Nutrition Upgrade. It's also possible to combine the Body Transformation course with our Mobility program. The Mobility program can be used as a warm up before your training, as a cool down right after it or even a seperate session.
This is also something very individual. You might be able to do other sports at the same time, but it might happen that you come into an overtraining if you do too much. We also don’t recommend to do several things at the same time, because the more different things you do the less the quality in each of them will be. You can not concentrate on several things and expect the same quality than doing only one thing at a time. So decide for yourself if you want good results or if you want to do several things at the same time.
This depends on your injury. If you are injured in your foot you could do pullups for example. But if you have stiff muscles in your back you shouldn’t train. If you have some kind of infection your shouldn’t train at all and let your body recover. Please ask your doctor or physiotherapist what exactly to do in your situation, this is something that can’t be answered properly via internet.
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